Online implant consultation

On-line implant consultation allows you to initially determine the possibility of implanting a dental implant. Our implantologist will comprehensively present the possibilities of implantation, describe the course of the procedure and answer any questions of the patient appearing during the video consultation via the Internet. This is help for patients who, for various reasons, cannot come to the office in person.
What does the online implantology consultation look like? Here is a simplified scheme:
  • Preparation for online consultation: The patient makes an appointment for an online implantology consultation by contacting our reception at 71/750 12 12. After setting the date of the consultation, the patient sends by e-mail the information necessary to conduct an on-line consultation, these are:
      • panoramic photo of teeth X-ray – photo necessary
      • photos of the planned implant placement site taken with a digital camera – optional photos
      • a description of the problem that needs to be discussed at the on-line consultation. Please send photos and description to the e-mail address with a note – online consultation
      • The cost of a 30-minute online consultation is PLN 100. This payment should be made to the account: 02 1140 2004 0000 3402 3557 3943 one week before the planned date of consultation with the note – online consultation.
  • Course of consultation: After receiving an e-mail with photos and a description of the patient's problem, the doctor sends an e-mail link to conduct an online consultation. At the appointed time, the patient should click on the sent link and open a video connection with the doctor in a web browser for an online meeting.
  • How long does an online implant consultation take? – The online consultation lasts 30 minutes – exactly the same as a standard implant consultation conducted in the office. Usually, this time allows to comprehensively present the possibilities of implantological treatment in the consulted patient.
  • What are the limitations of an online implant consultation? – Online consultation, due to the inability to physically examine the patient in the dental chair, has some limitations. It is carried out only on the basis of a panoramic photo of the teeth and photos taken by the patient with a digital camera. It is important that these pictures are of good quality, sharp, taken with a flash, because it will facilitate the presentation of the optimal treatment plan for a given patient. Before undertaking implant treatment, it is always necessary to perform a dental computed tomography examination. Only on the basis of this examination can the possibility of rebuilding missing teeth with implants be confirmed.

Vita-Dent Stomatologia

Stomatolog Wrocław

ul. Nobla 3, Wrocław

tel. 71 750 12 12

Stomatolog Wrocław

Ogrodowa 17, Kiełczów

tel. 71 398 84 88

Stomatolog Wrocław

Powstańców Śląskich 58a/3, Wrocław

tel. 71 750 15 15

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